The Morning Star Network is a multimedia channel for motivational content and self-development encouragement. From daily posts on social media to weekly podcasts, the Morning Star Network distributes positive videos and interviews with wonderful guests. The goal of Morning Star Network is to encourage present and future generations to pursue their personal and professional goals. The Morning Star Network is driven to impact people through great storytelling, hoping to inspire a spark of creativity that propels you to focus on cultivating the best version of yourself.
Our Content
The Morning Star Network so far has
Morning Motivation, which is a 30 to 50 second segment of an inspiring quote that kick starts the week.
The Morning Star Podcast, focused on bringing guests that can inspire others to improve their lives a little bit each and every day.
The Good News Segment (in development) is a short segment where we shine a light on something positive going on in the world.
Core Values: the deeply ingrained principles that guide and serve as its cultural cornerstones
What are these themes?
Inspiring Future and Present Generations to do their best
Being a Positive Role model for Future Generations.